Under the NDIS, Social and Community services are about supporting people with a disability to take part in their community. This is just another way of saying it’s about getting out and about, meeting people, and trying new things! That might be signing up for an art class, going on a holiday, learning to play an instrument or many other activities.
Social support has been shown to reduce the psychological and physiological consequences of stress and may enhance immune function. Our support workers are your trusted companions. We promote health and wellness by encouraging activities and interactions to rediscover your passions by engaging in activities you love.
Our social Support program provides you or your loved one with a matched companion, either within the home environment or while accessing community services, which makes you feel most comfortable. Social Support is provided on a one on one basis or in a small group where there is a common interest within the group. We work with our Community Engagement Team in facilitating social activities too. Come along, be with other people who can speak your language.

Providing Companionship
It is difficult to thrive alone. Having strong support helps enhance our mental wellbeing. We provide support services that can provide you life-long companionship.
Building a Supportive Network of Family & Friends
Being part of a supportive friendship group can combat loneliness and foster encouragement to avoid risk-taking behaviors. We provide services that are emotionally and socially beneficial for our participants.
Development Life Skills
To enable you to build your skills to participate independently in the community.
Participating in Community
To support you in participating actively in recreational, social, and civic activities and enjoying what the local community has to offer.
Counselling & Well-being
Whether you are in crisis or could just use some helpful information, Procare is here to offer an open ear, strategies to understand feelings, and ways to build resilience and emotional wellbeing.
Orphan Care
Our goal is to provide care and assistance to those children who have lost their parents’ love and support, allowing them to thrive and receive an education. Children are the most vulnerable members of society who need consistent and comprehensive care and support to grow and prosper. We care for those who can’t care for themselves. Our Orphan Care Program provides orphaned children with hope, love, and prospects for the future.
From childhood through to adult life, we’ll support you on your journey.